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Publications by Clean Water Fund

ReThink Disposable Case Study | The Conservatory for Coffee, Tea & Cocoa

The Conservatory for Coffee, Tea & Cocoa in Culver City, CA replaced disposable cups, utensils, and stirrers and advertised a "Bring Your Own Cup" incentive. The result was no impact to labor costs, only positive feedback from customers, and $6,899 saved in annual net cost savings.

ReThink Disposable Case Study & Video (English & Spanish) | Shish Grill

"First of all, your dishes are going to look a lot better, more presentable and more on the upscale side. And you’re going to save a lot of money. No one hates to do that. You work hard for your money, so saving will go a long way. Third of all, I mean, you’re going green, help the environment as well." - Nancy Annan, Owner

ReThink Disposable Case Study | University of San Francisco Market Cafe

Bon Appétit Management Company plans to implement the ReThink Disposable program campus-wide at USF, after a successful pilot program saved more than $150,000 in disposable foodware costs by eliminating more than two million items with no additional labor cost.

ReThink Disposable Participating Business Testimonials

Highlights from food establishments that have received ReThink Disposable assistance.

Greenhouse Gas Impacts of Disposable vs Reusable Foodservice Products

The focus of this literature review and inventory is environmental impacts relating to greenhouse gas emissions from extraction, manufacturing, distribution, consumption, and end-of-life management of disposable and reusable foodservice products.

What's In The Package? Unveiling the Toxic Secrets of Food and Beverage Packaging

This report investigates the issue of chemicals in food packaging and their impact on the safety of what American consumers eat and drink.