As we look forward to the year ahead, the EmpowerNJ: No Fossil Fuel Projects coalition reflects on our combined successes and learns from defeats in order to accomplish even more in 2023.
Many Highs (we’ve only just begun!)
- Organized several large public mobilizations and actions, including the March and Rally for Clean Air and Climate Justice in Trenton in June (largest EmpowerNJ action ever with more than 300 participants!)
Read more from AP News - “Governor Murphy: Walk Your Talk On Climate” 50 mile walk and community rallies to stop all new fossil fuel projects in August
Read more from NJ Spotlight, Patch - Jersey City Bike and Rally against the Turnpike Extension expansion in November.
Read more from Jersey City Times - Defined the climate action narrative in New Jersey -- media outlets check any Murphy Administration and legislative coverage through our prism.
Read more from Salon, NJ Spotlight, Star Ledger in September, Star Ledger in October - Updated and published report documenting an estimated 19% increase and 38% additional increase in climate emissions from completed and proposed fossil fuel projects, respectively, during Governor Murphy's tenure.
Read more from NPR, InsiderNJ, Star Ledger - Sued NJDEP for failing to adopt regulations to reduce climate emissions by 50% by 2030 as required by both statute and Executive Order 274.
Read more from Star Ledger, Bergen Record, NJ Biz, 101.5, InsiderNJ, NJ Monitor, NJ Globe, Star Ledger Op Ed, NJ Spotlight - Worked with the Turnpike Trap Coalition to galvanize opposition to the NJ Turnpike’s now $10.7 (!) billion plan (over $1B per mile) to expand the Newark Bay Hudson County Extension from Newark into Jersey City ending at the Holland Tunnel.
Read more from The New York Times, 3 Star Ledger Editorials, 101.5, WNYC, American Prospect - Supported environmental justice partners (Ironbound Community Corp., NJ Environmental Justice Alliance, South Ward Environmental Alliance, et al.) to delay a new dirty gas plant in the Ironbound and helped to secure dominating press, derailed the Manchin dirty energy side deal in Congress, and more.
Read more from Gothamist, NPR - Secured featured testimony before the NJ Senate Environment Committee by the EmpowerNJ Steering Committee at its Earth Day Climate hearing April 21 and by internationally renowned climate expert Professor Mark Jacobson on June 13.
- Secured timely adoption of NJDEP Advanced Clean Truck and Greenhouse Gas Monitoring and Reporting rules.
Learning from Losses (that can still be turned around in 2023)
- Gov. Murphy delayed proposed inland flood protection and boiler rules and delayed even further the majority of previously ordered (Executive Order 100) rules to reduce climate emissions and better protect against climate threats (PACT)
Read more from WYNC, Star Ledger, NJ.com - NJDEP and Turnpike rejected EmpowerNJ petitions to implement EO274 (cut climate emissions 50% by 2030)
Read more from NJ.com - NJ Transit continues to prefer a dirty gas power plant plan despite lower cost renewable energy alternatives but the ultimate fate of this project will be decided in 2023
- Dirty gas ripoff (RNG) bill passed Assembly committee. EmpowerNJ is developing a campaign to defeat it in 2023.
Read more from NJ.com - Proposed Gibbstown LNG (Liquefied Natural Gas) Export Terminal still alive though delayed.
- Full ban on Delaware River Watershed import of fracking wastewater and export of water for fracking not adopted by DRBC but pledged resolve to keep fracking pollution out.
Read The Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition press release
Looking Ahead & Next StepsWriting this all down confirms 2022 was quite a year! Together the EmpowerNJ coalition has accomplished a great deal but there is much more to do. We need to move even faster as polluters continue to propose an unending stream of more harmful projects and legislation, which Governor Murphy does not oppose.
Emissions are certainly not dropping fast enough and in places increasing and each time scientists report on the climate catastrophe they say change is happening faster than expected. Clean Water Action and the entire EmpowerNJ coalition will continue working in 2023 to win green jobs, a healthier equitable New Jersey, and a sustainable future for us all.
EmpowerNJ is a coalition of over 135 environmental, civic, faith, and progressive organizations calling on Governor Murphy to enact a prohibition on all new fossil fuel projects in New Jersey, and urgently implement policies that reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) by at least 50% from 2010 levels by 2030.
EmpowerNJ Steering Committee:
Eric Benson and David Pringle, Clean Water Action
John Reichman, BlueWaveNJ
Tracy Carluccio, Delaware Riverkeeper Network
Ken Dolsky , Don’t Gas the Meadowlands Coalition
Doug O’Malley, Environment NJ
Matt Smith, Food & Water Watch
Learn more about our coalition work at EmpowerNewJersey.com.