Everyday is Earth Day here at Clean Water Action. Whether you take small or big steps to protect the Earth, your actions collectively add up to make a difference! We are excited to be a part of an amazing environmental community in New Jersey and nationwide. Together, we are working together to ensure clean water, clean air, and our health is protected now and into the future. After all, there is no Planet B! Please join us at the following upcoming events to make your voice matter and actions count!
Volunteers needed! To attend or lend your time or talents to any of the events below, please contact us at njcwa@cleanwater.org or 732-963-9714.
Earth Day Rally on The Roof at Asbury Festhalle & Biergarten
Saturday, April 22, 1 - 5 pm
Hosted by Jersey Shore Surfrider Foundation, Clean Water Action is joining an array of local non-profit environmental groups and green vendors to raise awareness and rally for the environment. The event will feature live music by Black Flamingos, and fun giveaways. The day ends with an Earth Day Creative Protest & Beach Sweep on the North End Beach. To join the Facebook event, click here.
BlueWaveNJ Earth Day Rally in Morristown
Saturday, April 22, 12 - 2 pm
Join us to rally against cuts to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and stand up for economic and environmental justice. The rally will include speakers, music, activities for adults and children, and fun! We'll be sending a loud and clear message to Congressman Rodney Frelinghuysen that he can’t allow the defunding of the EPA. Bring your friends, family, and some some picnic snacks! There will be free and easy parking two blocks away at the large lot behind the Morristown Town Hall, 200 South Street. To RSVP or find out carpool options, email dpringle@cleanwater.org.
Ocean Township Green Fest 2017
Saturday, April 22, 10 am - 3 pm
Join us at the Ocean Township Public Library, 701 Deal Road, Ocean, NJ! Stop by our table to learn more about Clean Water Action's ReThink Disposable program to reduce the use of single use disposable products: from shopping bags, to food and beverage packaging, to plastic water bottles, Come learn how we are working with shore businesses to cut back on throw-away containers and how to ReThink Disposable in your own life! For more event info, contact 732-531-5092.
Earth Week Partnership with Fab Habitat
April 22
For the month of April, Fab Habitat has teamed up with Clean WaterAction to bring awareness to the importance of keeping our earth clean, healthy, and sustainable. They are doing their part in helping out our local community and beyond by donating 50 percent of all sales on Earth Day to Clean Water Action. Make sure to follow this link: http://bit.ly/2nUbXZx on April 22nd to make your purchase and get the chance to make an impact on your environment (and take home a stylish rug.)
Beyond Earth Week
People's Climate Movement
Saturday, April 29 in Washington, D.C.
Please join us for one of the most important environmental rallies in American history. Clean Water Action, Bus for Progress, and Sierra Club are sponsoring buses leaving from Chatham, Hamilton (Mercer County), Jersey City, Lincroft, New Brunswick, Paramus, Princeton, Wall, West Orange, and more TBA. Tickets are $40/seat, the cheapest in New Jersey, and scholarships are available. RSVP here to let us know you are and find out how to purchase bus tickets near you.
Josh Fox New Film Screening and Q&A
Thursday, May 18th at 6 pm at Axelrod Performing Arts Center in Deal
Join us for the screening of "How to Let Go of the World and Love All the Things Climate Can’t Change" from Josh Fox, the Academy Award nominated writer and director of Gasland. We will be tabling at an Environmental Awareness Fair before the film from 6-7 pm. Don't miss the Q&A with Josh Fox after the film.
Autumn Toast to a Healthy Environment
Sunday, October 8th, 1-4 pm at the Pine Barrens Golf Club
Join us for our 8th Annual Wine & Chocolate Tasting and Charity Auction. The event will also feature delicious hors d'oeuvres, live jazz with The Sandy Sasso Jazz Quartet, and relaxing at the Adirondack-style club house and beautiful outdoor patio with firepit. All proceeds benefit our work to protect New Jersey's drinking water and keep our lakes, rivers, streams and ocean free of pollution.
We look forward to seeing you at these fun events! To attend or volunteer, please RSVP with njcwa@cleanwater.org.