When I first moved to Rhode Island from New Jersey I didn’t know what to expect. I quickly learned that Providence was vibrant and lively with something to do on every corner. Despite its urban nature, I also learned that the people here cared deeply about the environment.
I have met many people that have poured their time and energy into keeping the environment clean whether by ardently recycling, composting, riding their bikes, spending time in Providence’s community gardens, volunteering for clean ups, and so on. The people here make a concerted effort to be more sustainable.
Fast forward three years and I found myself working as a canvasser at Clean Water Action. I knocked on doors and talked to people all across Rhode Island—from Newport and Jamestown to Warwick and the East Side—and of all the issues I canvassed on, the Green Economy Bond was the one thing that appealed to just about everyoneThat is the most spectacular thing about this legislation—it has something for everyone in it. Whether it was the clean water and open space protections, the job creation, or the positive impacts on their communities, just about everyone I spoke to could get behind this $35 million investment to:
- Build bike paths
- Preserve open spaces and farmland
- Provide more green infrastructure within urban areas
- Protect water quality
- Develop state parks & recreational centers
- Protect wildlife
- Reuse polluted industrial buildings
- Create local jobs & boost economy
By voting “yes” on the Green Economy Bond—question 6 on the November ballot, we will be voting to give Rhode Islanders the opportunity to make our communities healthier and more sustainable.
As a college student, I am constantly reminding myself how important it is to do my part by living as sustainably as I can. We need to think this way about the environment because we need to protect and preserve our environment now. Our children and their children and their children will thank us for doing so.
The Green Economy Bond does just this. It invests in our environment for the benefit of our families, our communities and our state. Voting “Yes on 6” will only help us towards a successful and sustainable tomorrow.