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TAKE ACTION TODAY - Tell EPA Don't Let Carbon Waste Injection Poison Our Future

This new CCS infrastructure buildout presents a threat to communities' drinking water. CCS involves injecting highly pressurized carbon dioxide waste deep into the earth below our communities into storage wells and aquifers – and if proper oversight is not conducted, underground sources of drinking water (USDWs) can be permanently contaminated with strong acids and harmful chemicals such as lead, arsenic, and more.  

TAKE ACTION TODAY - Don’t Let Carbon Waste Injection Poison Our Future

The Railroad Commission of Texas, the state's oil and gas regulator, is working to gain primary oversight authority (Primacy) over carbon storage projects – an agency which has demonstrated a consistently poor record of environmental oversight.

We urge you to sign the petition to the EPA voicing your concern over their proposal to rapidly build out carbon capture and storage projects in Texas without rigorous oversight or proper community engagement.


TX - Tell EPA Don't let carbon waste injection poison our future
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