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Celebrating a Clean Water Victory in Maryland!

Last month, Charles County Commissioners voted 3/2 in favor of a new Comprehensive Growth Plan that will preserve Charles County’s precious natural resources and high quality of life for generations to come.


Lessons from a Rainy Day

I had a relative who told me when I was growing up: “If you want to make sure it rains, plan an event that must be held outside.”

I’m pleased to say that wisdom proved correct when our tour of green infrastructure projects at Providence College was held in a light, steady rainfall.

The fact that


One Step Forward, One Step Back

Advocating for environmental issues in the Rhode Island General Assembly is a complicated process that requires persistence, patience and creative approaches. Economic growth and job creation - not the environment - are often the first concerns on the minds of lawmakers.


Justice for Port Communities! Two Victories to Celebrate.

Let's continue to keep the pressure on and remember the fight for environmental justice is a civil rights issue. As we celebrate Independence Day and reflect on our rights and freedoms, we can't forget the overburdened port communities who are disproportionately polluted upon because of the zip code they live in.

Christie Administration Floods the Garden State

Right now, over 90 percent of New Jersey's waters do not meet one or more water quality standards. These standards are set by New Jersey under the law and the state is obligated to meet them.

So, one would think that our state government would be doing all they can to improve the quality of our