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You've Got to Be Fracking Kidding Me!
By Joe Emmons, Texas Program Organizer Texas is the birthplace of Hydraulic Fracturing, or “Fracking” as it is more commonly known. Fracking mixes water, (secret) chemicals and sand. Frackers then pump the mixture into the earth at very high pressures to fracture the shale below the surface to release the natural gas and oil trapped within the rock. It’s just one more industrial practice that ensures Texas will continue to lead states in releasing toxic emissions into our air and water. Fracking, in Texas, creates an unbelievable 1.2 barrels of waste for every foot drilled. This waste is all
Into Thin Air
By Becky Smith, Massachusetts Water and Clean Energy Organizer Courtesy of Christmas comes early for natural gas companies that collected nearly $40 million dollars in 2010 from natural gas customers for gas that never arrived or got consumed by a home, business, school, hospital, or other end user in MA. Customers are unwittingly signing big checks back to the gas companies for this polluting “gift.” Natural gas leaks underneath Boston and throughout Massachusetts are releasing methane – a very potent greenhouse gas – at an alarming rate. Methane is 20 times more effective at
Don’t FRACK my Community
By Erin Adair, Colorado Program Coordinator On Wednesday, Nov 14 th in Denver, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission held a hearing for its rulemaking process around ground water monitoring at drill sites and the distance drill sites are allowed to be from homes and schools – or “setbacks”. The hearing was jam-packed, and brought industry, state employees, environmental groups, and the concerns of the public to the table. This is why Clean Water Action showed up. Clean Water Action’s program and canvass staff demonstrated outside the public meeting holding signs saying “Move the
Buy Nothing. Do Something.
by Jonathan Scott, Communications Director Sometimes a little conflict can be a good thing. Are you feeling just a little conflicted as the holidays loom and everything suddenly seems about to come crashing down upon us, unprepared? Our friend Annie Leonard at the Story of Stuff Project puts it like this, in their just-out video: “Tis the Season to Get Trampled” – exhorting holiday shoppers to take a break on the traditional “Black Friday” shopstravaganza we’ve been conditioned to anticipate and engage in. Instead, she boldly suggests, “Buy Nothing. Do Something.”
OK suppose we all give it a
A Clean Water Victory
Clean Water Voters made their voices heard on November 6th. From Florida to Pennsylvania to Michigan to California, they went to the polls and made sure that we reelected the President with the best environmental record in recent history. Clean Water Action members also helped to elect candidates like Tim Kaine (VA), Elizabeth Warren (MA), and Chris Murphy (CT) to the Senate along with dozens of members of the US House and State Legislatures. Clean Water Action is proud of our work to support clean water candidates. In the last few months we have spoken with almost a half million households