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Beyond Fracking: Injecting Acid into the Ground - Really?
By Andrew Grinberg, Oil and Gas Program Coordinator Click here to read part 1 Most of the information on acid stimulation for oil and gas production comes courtesy of industry papers on how to maximize oil production. What we do know is pretty scary. High volume acid jobs can involve injecting thousands of gallons of acid into each well. This poses serious health and environmental risks at every step of the process. Any releases during the process, whether from transporting, mixing, injecting into the earth or what comes back up in the wastewater could have serious consequences. Exposure to
Beyond fracking: is California being pumped full of acid?
Oxnard, CA - Courtesy of RL Miller By Andrew Grinberg, Oil and Gas Program Coordinator Click here to read part 2 Fracking – maybe you’ve heard of it? From exemptions to environmental regulations to contaminating our water, air, and communities to an Oscar-nominated documentary and a sequel, fracking has dominated our debate about fossil fuels lately. Here’s the thing – while we’ve (rightly) been debating fracking, other potentially equally risky forms of fossil fuel extraction are being used. And we don’t know much about them. Fracking’s lesser-known cousin, acidization may be the process
Cancelled: The Next Meeting of the Flat Earth Society
By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director Yesterday President Obama made his case for putting the federal government to work to step up and fight climate change. I was there in the sweltering heat at Georgetown University, as President Obama said what we needed to hear: "Those that are already feeling the effects (of climate change) don't have time to deny it...they wonder what it'll mean for their drinking water". See the President's plan here. And click to #ActOnClimate. The President asked us whether we have the courage to act before it's too late. I think we do. And you know why? Because
Vote for Clean Water. Vote for Ed Markey.
By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director Tomorrow is a really big day for the Bay State and I'll be proud to walk into the voting booth tomorrow and cast my ballot for Ed Markey for the US Senate. The choice we make tomorrow matters beyond our current horizons -- for our communities, for our children, for their children. That’s why I’m voting for Ed Markey. Ed Markey is a tireless leader who has been fighting for clean energy investments and environmental protection for decades. Congressman Markey has been at the forefront of every major movement to protect our drinking water, air quality
Cell Phones the Size of Your Head
If Zack Morris can upgrade his phone, can't EPA upgrade its rules? Click here. By Michael Kelly, Director on Online Communications
1982: The internet didn’t exist, MTV played music videos, Time’s “Man of the Year” was the personal computer, the emoticon :-) was invented, “cell” phones weren’t exactly portable and Betamax was still a thing. And the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued rules about how much toxic pollution power plants can dump into our water. A lot has changed since 1982* (scroll down for a list), but those power plants rules haven't! It's time for all of us to take