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By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director
Yesterday President Obama made his case for putting the federal government to work to step up and fight climate change. I was there in the sweltering heat at Georgetown University, as President Obama said what we needed to hear: "Those that are already feeling the effects (of climate change) don't have time to deny it...they wonder what it'll mean for their drinking water".  See the President's plan here. And click to #ActOnClimate. The President asked us whether we have the courage to act before it's too late. I think we do. And you know why? Because of you. For years, members like you have joined us to push for limits on carbon pollution from power plants, to support energy efficiency and clean energy innovation and to close gaps in protection for the streams and wetlands which form the backbone of our drinking water sources while preventing flooding.  Thousands of you have already said that it's time to end water pollution from power plants. With members like you, I know that we will have the power to stand up to fossil fuel interests and end subsidies to oil companies. The series of practical, concrete steps outlined by President Obama today are a great starting point. Now it's up to us to make sure we invest in the smartest innovations and create the strongest regulations possible. We need to end taxpayer funded oil and gas subsidies; the richest companies in the history of the world sure don't need them. It'll be a fight - special interests and their allies in Congress are going to try to stop us. But Clean Water Action is going to mobilize you, your neighbors and our million members behind the President’s plan to put the federal government to work protecting our health, and the air and water that are our life support systems. Senators or Representatives who side with the polluters and attempt to get in the way will be held accountable. I'm excited - I hope you are to. Can I count on you to join me? Click here.