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National Day of Action for Safer Chemicals is this Monday, December 9th
By Sarah de Flesco, Program Coordinator, Florida Office About a month ago, Clean Water Action and hundreds of mothers, parents, and community leaders gathered in Washington, DC to meet with members of Congress to advocate for the reform of our antiquated toxic chemical laws. Today we are joining people across the country to call for real reform to our nation’s chemical laws. We’re picking up the phone and calling our Senators and Representatives – and we need as many peole as possible. Will you join us? Give your Senators and Representative a call today. Tell Congress that we need to protect
Think Before You Shop: True Confessions, Deal-seeking and more…
by Jonathan A. Scott, Director of Corporate Relations (updated and re-shared for #CyberMonday 2014) Our partners at just launched to raise even more money for Clean Water Action and introduce more people to our online shopping app. Thousands of our supporters have raised nearly $1.5 million for Clean Water Action through their online purchases. Join us! Enter now to get started. Now, time for some True Confessions: The folks at OK, I admit it. I’m not a very good example of the kind of consumer some businesses would like to have these days. What about
An Awesome Crew and a Reason to Be Thankful!
By Becky Smith, Massachusetts Campaigns Director Here I am with Congressman McGovern. What an honor! Last week I attended the annual benefit for MA Alliance, a group that Clean Water Action is a member of which works to elect progressives in Massachusetts. It was a freezing and windy night to hike it across the water from the Boston office, and I'd considered leaving before the string of speakers took the stage. Thankfully I didn't, because this happened: After a several speakers, the Governor was introduced and whipped up the crowd with a rousing "sermon" about how there's a war on the poor
Clean Rivers Campaign Hosts Highly Successful Pittsburgh City Council Hearing
By Tom Hoffman, Western Pennsylvania Director and Sarah Peterson, Nine Mile Run Watershed Association In Pittsburgh, Clean Water Action is one of the key members of the Clean Rivers Campaign fighting to ensure that the investments we will make to fix our combined sewer overflow problem will give our communities the most benefits possible. On November 18th, the Clean Rivers Campaign testified in front of Pittsburgh City Council in a Post-Agenda hearing. CRC supporters filled every seat in the City Council chambers. They listened as experts from local and national organizations explained how
House Votes on Oil and Gas Activity - Security Doesn't Come From Extremism
Stop these bad bills now! By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director This week's U.S. House votes around oil and gas activities demonstrate that extreme views can easily dominate public policy debate. Masquerading behind titles including words like "energy security" these three bills are about none of that. These bills would eliminate federal oversight of oil and gas drilling on public lands, including removing the baseline protections for clean water and public health which we would expect to apply to this activity wherever it occurs. One bill would put absurd restrictions on the