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Why I am collecting postcards to #ProtectCleanWater
By Tom Hoffman, Western Pennsylvania Director I grew up in upstate New York and was very fortunate to go to a YMCA camp on the shores of Lake George in the Adirondacks when I was a kid. To get from my tent in the Intermediate Unit to the Mess Hall I followed a mountain stream down towards the lake. It was always a tough choice between eating and hanging out in the stream and watching what was happening in there. Newts, tadpoles, frogs were in abundance. It is those streams that were such a part of my childhood that are now so much at risk. Polluters, who want to hide their toxic waste under
Clean Water Can’t Wait!
By Ben Davies Long Branch, New Jersey Field Canvass Director Living near the water, whether it’s the lake, the ocean, or a stream, has been an integral part of my life. I took that for granted for so many years. I’ve seen firsthand the impact of pollution on water if protections aren’t in place. That’s why EPA’s proposal to protect the waters of the US is so important to me. I grew up in North Salem – about an hour north of New York City – a place where everybody knew everyone. Nestled among the cottages and barns between North Salem and Southeast, NY sits Peach Lake— where we spent our
Why you should oppose the Keystone XL pipeline...
New Hampshire Clean Water supporter, energy/climate advocate and local sustainability leader, Marjorie Rogalski, recently wrote this open letter to her U.S. Senators, Jeanne Shaheen and Kelly Ayotte. A condensed version was later published in the Valley News, her local newspaper. Here's what she had to say -- a clear and compelling case for building a clean energy future. Why you should oppose the Keystone XL pipeline: 1. It will not create a significant number of lasting construction jobs. The jobs will be short lived and very few permanent jobs will result if construction is completed.
Reflections from an Earth Day Water Warrior
By Amanda Sebert Join Me to #ProtectCleanWater! As you know, for more than a decade, Clean Water Action, our members, and allies across the country have been fighting to restore protection to the small streams and wetlands that feed the drinking water for 1 in 3 of us. You can learn more here. Why have we been fighting for so long? Because any threat to someone’s source of clean water is a threat to their life. You may have heard that the Environmental Protection Agency’s recent proposal to #ProtectCleanWater is a massive expansion. I can’t stress enough how untrue that is. EPA’s proposal
My Clean Water Story
By Tim McDaniel, National Program Intern - Follow Tim on Twitter ( @TimMcDaniel365) This is my first time writing a post for We All Live Downstream, so of course I had to do my research. Most of the posts that I had read for my organization were about some major catastrophe or a campaign that we worked on. I decided to I wanted to talk about something a little different. I want to spend a moment and tell you about how I became enthralled in the work that we do here at Clean Water Action. As a grassroots environmental organization, it is important for us to emphasize that the work we do is for