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Closing the Gap: Help Keep Oil & Gas Wastewater Pollution Out of our Lakes, Rivers and Bays
By John Noël, National Oil & Gas Campaigns Coordinator - Follow John on Twitter (@Noel_Johnny)
This week EPA proposed an update to a 30 year old Clean Water Act program that regulates oil and gas wastewater discharges to sewage treatment plants, or publically owned treatment works (POTWs). In the past we know that oil and gas companies have sent millions of gallons of wastewater to these plants which then discharge it to local rivers, lakes and bays.
The problem is that these sewage plants were never designed to treat wastewater coming from unconventional oil and gas operations, that is
Hold the phones! Literally
By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director Join Lula Pearl and make the call today! Call your Senators Today: To call your Member of Congress: US Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121 You may not have noticed yet but there's an epic battle about to break wide open and onto the floors of Congress regarding our nation's chemical safety policies. The chemical industry would like to preserve as much of the status quo as possible, with few restrictions on how they produce and distribute chemicals. The nation's leading health and environmental groups are pushing for common sense updates that
Americans Agree: #CleanWaterRules
By Jennifer Peters - National Water Programs Director - Follow Jennifer on Twitter (@EarthAvenger) Nothing is more fundamental than clean water. Though many of us take it for granted until it dries up or becomes too polluted to use. Not only do we all depend on water for drinking, cooking, and cleaning, but water is the major economic driver in every sector in our economy. From farming to manufacturing to tourism, I bet you can’t think of a business that does not depend on clean water to thrive. Clean water is needed by everyone everywhere, all the time. Despite our nation’s dependence on
To Protect Public Health, Put Drinking Water First, not Polluter Profits
By Jennifer Peters, National Water Programs Director - Follow Jennifer on Twitter (@EarthAvenger) Stop Toxic Power Plant Water Pollution! It’s National Public Health Week, which has me thinking about the importance of clean water. Nothing is more basic to protecting public health than access to clean and safe water for drinking, sanitation, and cooking. But too often the streams, rivers or lakes that are sources of drinking water are also used by polluting industries upstream to dispose of their waste. This was an even bigger problem before Congress passed the Clean Water Act in 1972, the law
#Act4CleanWater - Celebrate #Earth Week at Clean Water Conference!
By Jenny Vickers, NJ Communications Manager, Clean Water Action. Follow on Twitter @CleanWaterNJ Take action for clean water during #EarthWeek! Join us at Clean Water Action’s 29 th annual conference on Saturday, April 25, 9:00 am-5:00 pm, at Brookdale Community College's Student Learning Center in Lincroft, NJ. The event features prominent environmental leaders, scientists and policy makers discussing key issues such as Climate Change, Renewable Energy, Banning Frack Waste, Stopping Bad Oil & Gas Pipelines, Sustainable Water Infrastructure, as well as Protecting the Pinelands & Other Critical