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What is Oil & Gas Doing to the Susquehanna River?
By Nathan Sooy, Central Pennsylvania Campaign Coordinator In the past 7 years, the Susquehanna Watershed has seen a tremendous industrial buildout of drilling sites, frack pits, condensate tanks, compressor stations, and pipelines. What effect has these oil & gas operations in North Central Pennsylvania had on the health of the Susquehanna River Watershed? We really do not know, because the Governors of the Susquehanna states of Pennsylvania, New York, and Maryland have no answer to the question. They have no answer because no comprehensive, multi-state cumulative impact study has ever been
First of its kind: California's groundwater monitoring program for fracking
By Andrew Grinberg, California Oil & Gas Program Manager - Follow Andrew on Twitter (@AndrewBGrinberg) A drilling rig in Shafter, CA, where fracking is occurring among almond orchards and right next to homes. Photo Credit: Sarah Craig/Faces of Fracking This is the second installment of our ongoing series on California oil and gas policy that will be running throughout the month of July. Click here to see the whole series. On Tuesday, the State Water Resources Control Board ("Water Board" for short) finalized groundbreaking criteria for monitoring aquifers near fracking operations. Two years
Imagining Sustainable Streets
“The siding is all new so the fire must have been recent,” said Rachel Newman-Greene, from West Elmwood Housing Development Corporation guiding our walking tour.
What a Surprise: The Dirty Water Caucus is at it Again
By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA) As the U.S. House of Representatives takes up spending bills for the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Interior (DOI) funding today and tomorrow, I’m thinking of two simple yet astute questions posed by my colleagues this week. Has the Congressional process around federal spending bills always been like this? “It feels like it,” I told our Oil and Gas Campaigns Coordinator John Noel. “But I don’t think so.” The basic business of passing spending bills to fund the federal government’s activity has
Fixing the Problem with Power Plant Pollution
By Alex Maykowski, Michigan Program Intern Every summer as a child I traveled up to my grandfather’s home in Northern Lower Michigan. As much as I enjoyed spending time with my grandfather, my favorite part of this tradition was always knowing that just a short walk away was a beautiful lake—a walk I’d make every day. Whether swimming, fishing or just spending time enjoying the landscape, there was always some joy to be had in that shining jewel of my halcyon summers. Unfortunately, though, I’m forced to wonder whether my own grandchildren will be able to enjoy the same type of experiences