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The Interns of Clean Water
The Interns of Clean Water By Adriana Diaz, Florida Intern The interns of Clean Water come from all parts the country, working together to protect our environmental well-being and quality of life. These interns work in offices in every region of the nation. We have students engaged in this organization in California, Florida, Michigan, Massachusetts, Washington DC, and more. Each participant has their own set of background that they bring to the Clean Water family, ranging from their diverse genders and ethnicities to their university and area of study. These students work on various projects
SB 248: Common Sense Protections From Oil and Gas Operations in CA
By Andrew Grinberg, CA Oil and Gas Program Manager - Follow Andrew on Twitter (@AndrewBGrinberg) This post is part of Clean Water Action’s ongoing series this month on California Oil and Gas policy. The entire “July: Oil and Gas Month” series can be found here. Oil Wells and Pipelines, Belridge Oil Field,Kern County, CA Last week I wrote about the recent fracking study by the California Council on Science and Technology and shared Clean Water Action's initial response. Since then, the push for a moratorium on fracking in California has been heating up and over 100,000 people signed our
Saying sHELL NO
By Michael Kelly, Communications Director - Follow Michael on Twitter (@MichaelEdKelly) Like a pimple on a prom date, The Polar Pioneer, the massive rig that Shell will use to drill in the Arctic showed up in Seattle one morning a few months back. The scale of it was stunning. It imposed itself on the waterfront skyline. Looking west from my apartment, you couldn't miss it. On the ferry to Bainbridge Island or Bremerton, it was the biggest thing you saw. And every time, my only thought was, "how stupid is this?" Drilling in the Arctic is a bad idea. It is one of the most unique and important
A Body Blow to Fracking Industry Spin
By Andrew Grinberg, California Oil and Gas Program Manager - Follow Andrew on Twitter (@AndrewBGrinberg) Photo by Andrew Grinberg This post is part of Clean Water Action's ongoing series this month on California Oil and Gas policy. The entire “July: Oil and Gas Month” series can be found here. Another day, another major oil and gas development. In just 2 weeks we’ve seen the implementation of new fracking regulations, certification of a statewide environmental impact report on fracking, the release of Kern County’s environmental impact report for all oil production activities and the adoption
Out of sight, Out of mind, Out of Control
By Eli Scott, Oakland Field Canvass Director The Clean Water Action field canvass flaunts over 500 letters collected door to door calling for the shut down of illegal injection wells This is the third in an ongoing series on California oil and gas issues, as part of "July: Oil and Gas Month." Click here to see all the entries in this series. Imagine you’re sitting around your house and you’ve got a few 50-gallon drums of crude oil diluted with salty water laced with heavy metals and low-level radioactive material. You’re probably thinking, “Man, I really need to do something with these drums