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Fort Detrick's new medical waste incinerator: info sessions & public comments
Did you know that Fort Detrick's medical waste incinerator was shut down two years ago, and that a new one may be rebuilt? Join a public meeting Thursday night to learn more and provide your input to this proposal before its Environmental Assessment is finalized:
WHAT: Public Meeting on the Draft Environmental Assessment of medical waste incinerator options WHO: Fort Detrick staff, state and federal regulators, interested residents, and you! WHEN: Tuesday, June 4, 7:00PM HOW: call in to 202-660-1999 and enter conference ID 486 669 105#
Fort Detrick, located in Frederick City and home to
June 2nd: Maryland's Primary
Today is the last day to request an absentee ballot if you have not yet received your ballot in the mail.
If you have received your ballot, just a reminder that it needs to sent June 2nd.
There are official ballot drop off boxes in each county and Baltimore City if you would rather deliver your ballot. If you prefer to vote in person, there are in person voting locations that will be open on Tuesday, June 2nd from 7 AM to 8 PM.
Here is the Board of Elections page with vote by mail information, and here is the list of in-person vote centers and ballot drop off locations.
We're Hungry for Parks
Shannon Sneed for Baltimore City Council President
Maryland's primary election is one week from today - have you received your ballot in the mail? If so, don't forget to mark it in black ink, and sign and date the back before sending it in! If not, it's not too late to make sure your voice is heard - you can download and print a ballot here by Friday to vote by mail, even if an absentee ballot was not mailed to you.
Our team has been busy at work, making calls to hundreds of CWA members like you in support of our endorsed clean water candidates. Last week, I emailed you about why we're endorsing Brandon Scott for Mayor (did you see the Sun's
Bill Henry for Baltimore Comptroller - but what is a comptroller?
We have a week and a half to go until Election Day, and voters across Baltimore City are finally receiving their ballots in the mail. (If you haven't received yours yet, you can download and print a ballot here.) The campaign for Mayor has gotten a lot of attention, and earlier this week I wrote about why we're endorsing Brandon Scott for Mayor. But today, I want to tell you about another important city-wide campaign: electing Councilman Bill Henry as Baltimore City's Comptroller.
First: what is a Comptroller? This behind-the-scenes elected official is in charge of managing the city's money