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Washington DC -- Today the Senate attempted to move the For the People Act forward. A procedural vote failed due to a filibuster from Senate Republicans.

Clean Water Action President and CEO, Bob Wendelgass, released the following response.

“The right to vote is central to our nation, but that right hasn’t been extended equitably throughout our history -- and still isn’t. The promise of a democracy that works for all of us is real but one political party is doing all they can to make sure that promise is hard to achieve. Protecting our freedom to vote, getting rid of barriers to the ballot box, and reducing the power of dark money in elections are incredibly popular, across the political spectrum. The For the People Act would do all of those things, yet Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans refused to even debate the bill. That’s outrageous.

Senate Republicans have made it clear they will continue to abuse the filibuster to stop us from tackling the climate crisis, fixing our crumbling infrastructure, and ensuring everyone can participate in our elections. It’s time to fix this outdated rule so the Senate can actually work for we, the people.

Protecting our water and health depend on a robust democracy, in which all of our voices are heard. We will push Democrats to protect our freedom to vote and strengthen our elections, however they can."


Since the organization’s founding during the campaign to pass the landmark Clean Water Act in 1972, Clean Water Action has worked to win strong health and environmental protections by bringing issue expertise, solution-oriented thinking, and people power to the table.

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