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A Resolution Supporting


WHEREAS, Minnesota is on a path to clean energy, but is still over dependent on coal which still fuels nearly half of Minnesota’s electricity; and

WHEREAS, the combustion of fossil fuels, through direct emissions and through secondary climate change impacts poses a threat to human and environmental health globally through increased air and water pollution, sea level rise, climate-driven drought and extreme weather events, and accelerated loss of species and habitats; and

WHEREAS, people and communities of color, immigrants, refugees, economically disadvantaged people, older people and children, people who are homeless, and people with existing mental or health conditions will experience the economic, environmental, health, and social harms of climate change disproportionately; and

WHEREAS, youth and future generations will be significantly more impacted by climate disruption; and

WHEREAS, the feasibility of renewable energy has already been demonstrated with most Minnesota utilities already achieving Minnesota’s renewable energy standard (25% by 2025) and solar standard (1.5% by 2020); and

WHEREAS, Minnesota’s clean energy industry has created more than 15,000 jobs, many with family-sustaining wages, and is one of the fastest growing sectors of our economy; and

WHEREAS, energy efficiency conservation programs save Minnesota families and businesses millions of dollars each year and provide good jobs that can’t be outsourced.

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the _____________ party supports moving Minnesota beyond coal to clean energy by:

• Securing at least 50% of Minnesota's electricity from renewable resources by 2030 with a goal of 100% by 2050.

• Planning a transition away from dirty coal by 2030 by increasing renewable energy and investment in energy efficiency to save energy and money on our energy bills;

• Ensuring a racially and economically just transition where everyone has access to the benefits of clean energy through programs and priorities to end energy poverty and allow for community solar for all.  


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