Clean Water Action Releases Report Showing Mon Valley Air Quality Worst in PA
Lack of cleanup for Clairton in US Steel announcement highlighted
Pittsburgh - Clean Water Action released today a report detailing the history of violations of the federal Clean Air Act standards in the Mon Valley over the past 12 years. The results found air quality monitors in the Mon Valley
Key Milestone Transitioning Away from Coal: Brayton Point Water Tower Implosion
“The fight for climate justice is one of the biggest battles we face,” said Cindy Luppi, New England Director, Clean Water Action, who has partnered with local leaders and health groups since the 1990s on these efforts. “We know our children’s future depends on us moving away from the burning of coal and other fossil fuels, but we have to find real world solutions that show respect for workers and communities, and keep the lights on powered with clean energy at the same time. ”
Jersey City Promotes Benefits of Electrifying Transportation Infrastructure
Clean Water Action joins its Electrify NJ partners and Mayor Fulop in drawing attention to electric vehicle options that could significantly reduce climate gases and related impacts– be they personal cars, trucks, buses, ride/car share options.
EARTH DAY: Groups Urge NJ Legislature and Gov. Murphy for a Green Agenda
Today environmental groups are holding an Earth Day press conference demanding the state Legislature and Governor move forward on a strong environmental agenda for New Jersey. We have a climate crisis that’s getting worse.
BPU Caves to PSE&G’s Greed In Classic Battle with David, BPU Chooses Goliath
New Jersey Board of Public Utilities (BPU) in an expected, but nevertheless devastating and disappointing decision today caved to PSE&G graft and greed, profit and pressure with a needless max $300 million hand out.