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press release

Environmental Groups Call on U.S. EPA to Investigate Potential Harms of Lead Telecom Cables

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Environmental Defense Fund, Below the Blue, and Clean Water Action submitted a letter to EPA Administrator Michael Regan today, calling on the agency to investigate the uncontrolled release of lead by more than 2,000 lead-sheathed telecom cables into water or surface soil across the nation. More than 300 of these cables are posing a threat to community drinking water sources.
press release

Statement on the Supreme Court's Decision to Set Aside Affirmative Action in College Admissions

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We are deeply disappointed by the Supreme Court’s decision to strike down Affirmative Action programs in college admissions – programs designed to acknowledge and rectify the historical and ongoing systemic barriers faced by marginalized groups. And while Affirmative Action did not completely solve the problem, it did give students of color hope, providing an additional roadmap for them to secure a successful future anchored by a college education.