press release
Water Affordability Possible Through California Senate Bill 1255
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Today, California Senator Durazo amended SB 1255, which will provide an avenue for universal water affordability rate assistance for public water systems with more than 3,300 connections. As water rates continue to rise three times faster than inflation, a water affordability program is necessary for low-income families statewide.
press release
U.S. Senators Join Clean Water Action to Honor 2024 Environmental Champions
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A capacity crowd turned out for Clean Water Action’s 22nd Annual Breakfast of Champions on May 17th at the Edgewood Yacht Club in Cranston.
press release
Clean Water Action to Honor 2024 Environmental Champions:
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Clean Water Action will honor Senator Alana DiMario and Representative Davd Bennett alongside the esteemed University of Rhode Island professor, Dr. Sunshine Menezes, and other grassroots leaders at their 22nd Annual Breakfast of Champions, May 17th, at the Edgewood Yacht Club in Cranston.
press release
Governor Preserves Critical Funding for Water in State Budget; More is needed through solutions like a Climate Bond
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Governor Newsom released the revised California State Budget for 2024-2025 as the State prepares for clawbacks, hiring freezes, and deficits in back-to-back years.
press release
Silicon Valley Billionaires line up for state tax handouts and massive Great Lakes water withdrawals
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Legislation currently advancing through the Michigan State Legislature would exempt new data centers from paying sales and use taxes in Michigan. Data centers are large users of both electricity and water, often don’t deliver on the jobs and investments that they promise, and raise an important question about exactly what kind of development and investment we need in Michigan.
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