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2013 - 2014 Pennslyvania Environmental Scorecard

Clean Water Action, Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania, and the Sierra Club Pennsylvania Chapter released the joint Pennsylvania Environmental Scorecard in October 2014.

This report scores all state legislators on key environmental votes cast during the 2013 - 2014 Legislative Session and whether those votes supported protection of the public and the environment.

Click here to view or download the scorecard.


Michigan Currents l Summer 2014

In this issue: Protect Pure Michigan, Michigan House Votes to Trash Michigan with Coal Ash, Bilking Taxpayers for "Pure" PR?, BWL's Eckert Coal Plant to Close, Fracking in Michigan: DEQ Rules Need Strengthening, Pet Coke Problems, Award Celebration Honors U.S. Rep. Dingell, DTE Energy's CEO Hides from Shareholders and Ratepayers, 30 Percent by 2030 for Clean Water-Clean Energy Jobs


Minnesota Currents - Summer 2014

In early March, the Great Lakes came to the Nation’s Capital. The Annual Great Lakes Day is a gathering of Great Lakes advocates from across the region, who bring their love and passion for the Great Lakes to Members of Congress. Clean Water Action helped recruit and organize the Minnesota delegation of nearly a dozen community members, local government officials, and business owners.