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Out of sight, Out of mind, Out of Control

By Eli Scott, Oakland Field Canvass Director The Clean Water Action field canvass flaunts over 500 letters collected door to door calling for the shut down of illegal injection wells

This is the third in an ongoing series on California oil and gas issues, as part of "July: Oil and Gas Month." Click
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What is Oil & Gas Doing to the Susquehanna River?

By Nathan Sooy, Central Pennsylvania Campaign Coordinator In the past 7 years, the Susquehanna Watershed has seen a tremendous industrial buildout of drilling sites, frack pits, condensate tanks, compressor stations, and pipelines. What effect has these oil & gas operations in North Central
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Fixing the Problem with Power Plant Pollution

By Alex Maykowski, Michigan Program Intern Every summer as a child I traveled up to my grandfather’s home in Northern Lower Michigan. As much as I enjoyed spending time with my grandfather, my favorite part of this tradition was always knowing that just a short walk away was a beautiful lake—a walk
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