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Lead is a highly poisonous metal and can affect almost every organ in the body and the nervous system. EPA estimates that lead in drinking water can be 20% or more of a person’s lead exposure. To protect public health, we must reduce lead exposure at the drinking water tap. Clean Water is working at the national and state level through policy, support for communities and water systems, and funding for lead service line replacement.

Lead and Drinking Water

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency estimates that lead in drinking water can be 20% or more of a person’s lead exposure. We need to get lead out of contact with water. That’s where full lead service line replacement comes in - alongside advocacy, collaboration, and education.
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Health Impacts of Lead


How Lead Gets Into Drinking Water

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For over 50 years, support from our members and the public has powered our campaigns to protect clean water, safeguard our communities, fight the climate crisis, tackle the tsunami of single-use plastic pollution, get Clean Water Voters to the polls, and more. Your donation today ensures we can keep winning campaigns for our water!
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