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Proposed Plan for Highway Expansion Moves Forward

An online presentation is open for you to learn about Governor Hogan's proposed expansion of 270 and 495, two highways in the Washington Metropolitan area. The planned expansion is intended to reduce congestion by adding toll lanes, like what has been done on parts of 95 north of Baltimore and in

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Take the Pledge! - 10 Things You Can Do to Reduce Single-Use Waste

Single-use products are the main source of trash in our waters. When this garbage is disposed of improperly, it ends up in our stormwater and sewer systems, and ultimately our oceans, which has a devastating impact on marine life. In addition, the manufacturing of plastic products produces enormous amounts of greenhouse gases and other air pollutants.
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Making Change is easier than you think

Has this ever happened to you?

You’re finished shopping. You’re ready to head home with your groceries, or that special gift you just bought, or that last item you needed to finish the project you’ve been working on.

Then comes The Ask: “Would you like to donate your change to [ name that worthy

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