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OK, What's Next?

Yesterday voters made it clear that we're done. Done with the status quo, done with our elected officials paying more attention to corporate campaign donors. Done with the stranglehold the oil and gas industry and other special interests have on our democracy. Done with nothing but rhetoric full of racism, fear, and prejudice from the President. Done with politicians offering talking points instead of solutions.

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Trees can’t vote. Rivers can’t vote. You can.

Our rivers, streams, and wetlands threatened by a repeal of the Clean Water Rule can not vote. Our western forests threatened by more frequent and severe wildfires due to climate change can not vote. Endangered species, like the iconic California Condor, threatened by congressional rollbacks on protections, can not vote.

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Why we must face climate change with a positive attitude

The world won’t end if humans keep up with business as usual, but we will face the most catastrophic loss of human and animal life the world has ever seen. We can’t downplay these findings. The real question is how do we talk about this in a way that communicates meaning and mobilization, instead of fear?
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Clean Water Action Celebrates Environmental Heroes in Connecticut

Environmental advocacy work has been pretty daunting these past two years. Every day it seems there is another attack on our environment whether it’s rolling back the Clean Power Plan, withdrawal from the historic Paris Agreement, allowing more methane pollution, rolling back achievable emission standards for cars and trucks, opening up public lands to drilling and mining, reducing standards for maintaining coal ash ponds or rolling back the Clean Water Rule. The list goes on and on.

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The Candidates for Governor Discuss the Issues

On October 11 th Clean Water Action, along with 14 other environmental organizations coordinated by the Environmental League of Massachusetts, invited current Governor Charlie Baker and his opponent in his bid for re-election, former Massachusetts Secretary of Administration and Finance Jay Gonzalez

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