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Ranking Retailers

By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director This post originally appeared on the Safe Chemicals Healthy Families Blog It’s December 11 th - just a few weeks before the holidays and three weeks until New Years Eve. If you’re like me, you’re a little bleary-eyed running around to finish up end-of
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Green for the Holidays

By Lily Dieck, Michigan Intern The New Year is fast approaching. As you plan your resolutions for 2013, I encourage you to play your part in protecting our environment by making small changes to increase your home’s green factor. Don’t worry, it’s easy and won’t burn a hole in your pocket after all
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You've Got to Be Fracking Kidding Me!

By Joe Emmons, Texas Program Organizer Texas is the birthplace of Hydraulic Fracturing, or “Fracking” as it is more commonly known. Fracking mixes water, (secret) chemicals and sand. Frackers then pump the mixture into the earth at very high pressures to fracture the shale below the surface to
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Into Thin Air

By Becky Smith, Massachusetts Water and Clean Energy Organizer Courtesy of

Christmas comes early for natural gas companies that collected nearly $40 million dollars in 2010 from natural gas customers for gas that never arrived or got consumed by a home, business, school, hospital, or other
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Don’t FRACK my Community

By Erin Adair, Colorado Program Coordinator On Wednesday, Nov 14 th in Denver, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission held a hearing for its rulemaking process around ground water monitoring at drill sites and the distance drill sites are allowed to be from homes and schools – or “setbacks
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