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And, here come the cuts.

Instead of cutting vital programs - end the subsidies!

By Michael Kelly, Director of Online Communications Well, at least we know where Congress stands now. Today our Representatives and Senators chose the status quo and $8 billion in subsidies to Big Oil over funding for programs that protect the
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This is What Democracy Looks Like

Clean Water Action partnered with many other organizations on the February 17 Forward on Climate Rally. We spread the word with our members and staff from offices in the DC Metro area, the Mid-Atlantic and New England all participated. Here’s a report from our own Casille Systermans on her
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Obama, Don't Forget Our Water

By Jennifer Peters, National Water Campaigns Coordinator #ProtectCleanWater

President Obama has made addressing climate change a top priority for his second term. To some in the environmental community his commitment may seem long overdue, but it really is a big deal. No other American President
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