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Conserving Water at Home

Water Conservation in Austin

Is this ‘drought’ or is it…Texas? This is the question that imposes itself, as the drought wears on and as experts warn us to brace for a warmer climate. Drought has become our new norm, and water levels in reservoirs across the state continue to drop. We all need to do

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More Info on Pesticides Please

By Andrew Fellows, Chesapeake Regional Director Today's Baltimore Sun has a fine editorial on legislation that Clean Water Action has been pressing for, the Maryland Pesticide Reporting and Information Act (HB 775). The pesticide database is a long overdue tool for protecting public health and
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On the Two Year Anniversary of Fukushima

By Andrew Fellows, Chesapeake Regional Director Today, as we are observing the two-year anniversary of the disaster at the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant in Japan, we get great news on the energy front in Maryland! Today the Nuclear Regulatory Commission refused to review UniStar Nuclear Energy LLC’s
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A Great Choice for Our Environment

By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director Gina McCarthy

Today President Obama nominated Gina McCarthy to be the Administrator of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). We couldn’t be more thrilled with the selection. We’ve worked with Gina throughout her career in New England and she is
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