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Our Water Has Waited Too Long

By Michael Kelly, Director of Communications - follow Michael on Twitter - @MichaelEdKelly The Clean Water Act became law in 1972. Since then industry and their allies in Congress have attempted to weaken the landmark law – asking Americans to put their bottom line ahead of protecting our water. In
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Derailments and Spills and Protecting Clean Water

By Andy Fellows, Chesapeake Regional Director A CSX train carrying crude oil going off the tracks in Virginia is a news flash that grabs national attention for a moment, but for those involved and for the communities in which they happen, a derailment can be catastrophic, life changing and deadly
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Toxic Seduction

By Special Guest - Hilary Opperman This post originally appeared on The Campaign for Toxic-Free Kids Have you ever masqueraded as something you're not? The truth is that we all have from time to time. Now tell me this: Have you ever worn products that have masqueraded as something they're not? Have
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Earth Week = Action to #ProtectCleanWater

By Michael Kelly, Communications Director - Follow Michael on Twitter: @MichaelEdKelly Earth Week kicks off today and what better way to celebrate than standing up for Clean Water? President Obama’s proposal to fix the Clean Water Act, which was broken by the Bush Administration, is open for public
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