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Welcome to Spring!

By Chris Bathurst, National Canvass Director It is light longer. Temperatures are climbing and birds are migrating. You are probably excited about the prospects of spring, followed closely by summer (especially if you live anywhere in the northeast). Your friendly door to door Clean Water Action
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Start Oyster Creek cleanup as soon as plant closes

By Janet Tauro, Clean Water Action, NJ Board Chair - Follow on Twitter @CleanWaterNJ

The situation continues to deteriorate at the Oyster Creek nuclear plant in Lacey Township, New Jersey.

Federal regulators are moving toward increased oversight following an unplanned, emergency shutdown this month

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Keeping Plastic Out of the Chesapeake Bay

Will Fadely, Baltimore Program Organizer, ( @TrillChillWill on Twitter) Last winter, environmental advocates trawled the Chesapeake Bay for trash and made some disturbing discoveries. The Bay is plagued with plastic. Bags are littered across the Bay floor, wreaking havoc on natural ecosystems for
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The Power of the Chemical Industry at Work

By Cindy Luppi, New England Regional Director Yesterday Senators Vitter (R-LA) and Udall (D-NM) introduced the bill the chemical industry has wished for, one that allows Big Chem to continue to profit at the expense of our health. Upon introduction of the bill today, Cal Dooley, President and CEO
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More Attacks on Our Water

By Bob Wendelgass, President and CEO - Follow Bob on Twitter (@BWendelgass) If you were following the news stories about the appearances by the Republican Presidential candidates in Iowa over the weekend, you saw a number of new attacks on EPA’s proposal to restore protection for small streams under
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The Horrors of Sulfur Dioxide

I imagine that reading about “Sulfur Dioxide” may, at first, sound about as interesting as reading through your old high school science homework, and nowhere nearly as interesting as say, a good Stephen King thriller. But what if I told you that Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) was even scarier than the books

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