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By Lynn Thorp, National Campaigns Director - Follow Lynn on Twitter (@LTCWA)
As we reported two weeks ago, the U.S. House of Representatives is on a rampage against a wide range of environmental protections and progress. After approving a laundry list of harmful amendments to a federal agency spending bill the week before last, the U.S. House adjourned until today when they will get right back to work. Up this evening is the “Regulatory Integrity Protection Act” (H.R. 1732). This bill blocks commonsense policy to ensure that all of our nation’s water bodies are protected by Clean Water Act programs. You can learn more about this ridiculous bill from our colleague Jon Devine at the Natural Resources Defense Counsel (NRDC) here. You can use the really cool new Tweet Tool here to let your Representative know how you feel about protecting clean water. It’s going to be a long hot summer here in DC if today’s 91 degrees is any indication. It would be cool if you would stay tuned and stay involved.