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Massachusetts prepares to act on climate

Last Wednesday, I was able to visit the office of the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection (MassDEP) for the first time with Clean Water Action. The MassDEP was hosting a day of meetings to discuss potential regulations and limits for reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the

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Moving Toward a Ban on Fracking

On November 1 st the Baltimore City Council public hearing featured an often very controversial issue, fracking. At the hearing bills are voted on by a committee after public testimony to see if they will be voted on at a full city council meeting. Two different pieces of legislature involving

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Why Elections Motivate Me.

Autumn is my favorite season of the year. We’re past the stifling heat and humidity of summer, the changing color of leaves makes my drive to work a rolling rainbow of foliage and my work as a canvasser takes on special significance because, every two years, it’s election season.

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