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Working for a Septic System Solution

On Tuesday, January 31st, we had our first bill hearing for SB 266 - reinstating the requirement for Best Available Technology for all new septic systems in Maryland. This fall, Governor Hogan overturned the previous regulation that required that new septic systems treat their nitrogen pollution

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The Future of Fracking

With the new federal administration taking over, a lot of citizens are concerned. Trump and his incoming administration seem eager to undo all the progress that has been made towards reducing our country’s emissions. On the official White House website, Trump has laid out his “America First Energy

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A Time for Collective Activism

Like many activists around the country, Clean Water Action's New Jersey office took the streets to protest and rally during the Women's March in Washington DC. We joined the sister march in NYC - both peaceful rallies with hundreds of thousands showing up to support women's rights, racial equality, environmental justice, and more.

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Our State of the State

Last week Governor Snyder gave his annual State of the State address. Among all the glowing reviews he had about how far our state has come, were a few glaring omissions. To begin with, the people of Flint, after more than 1,000 days, still cannot drink water from their taps. The governor spent less

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