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Pursuing Environmental Justice In Kern County

Clean Water Action has been working with communities in Kern County since 2014 to bring resources and attention to the needs of local residents in order to advocate for community health protections and improved regulations on the oil and gas industry.
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ReThink Disposable Searches for Trends in Alameda's Trash

On October 8th, Alameda City employees Kerry Parker and Marc Bautista joined ReThink Disposable program staff and members of Clean Water Action's field canvass team to pick through litter collected by the city’s streetsweeper from the two main busy commercial downtown districts on the island. The

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Why I Canvass

I am 22 and I have my dream job. In college I majored in environmental studies and focused on environmental justice. And unless I could get paid for activism and volunteer work, I really didn’t see myself getting paid for something I loved doing.

I attended an annual social justice conference

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Reflections on My National Communications Internship

This internship has left me with a greater appreciation for the field of communications. It’s been rewarding to learn how to write in all different styles and for different readers, too. I know that this experience will help me to be a more successful communicator in the science field.

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