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Ryan Zinke is out. What's next for LWCF?

LWCF funds projects in every state, and nearly every county, in the country. But Ryan Zinke supported slashing 2019 LWCF funding to a measly 1/50 of its 2018 budget. And Congress followed his lack of leadership and failed to reauthorize LWCF at all.
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Save the the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF)

Authorization for the nation’s most successful conservation and recreation program, the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), expired September 30. Failure by Congress to save this essential program will put the outdoor places we love and America’s recreational economy at extreme risk. The LCWF

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Getting Toxic Sediment out of the Anacostia River

The Anacostia River corridor within the District of Columbia is comprised of 15 miles of shoreline, 1,200 acres of green space, and a string of 10 adjacent neighborhoods on the river’s east side in Wards 7 and 8. Polluted and neglected for decades, the Anacostia River is undergoing a renaissance

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