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REI Members to REI: Take Leadership on PFAS!

REI has tarnished its reputation as a company committed to sustainability by continuing to sell clothing, including for children, that contains PFAS. As an REI member, I am disheartened to see that not only do many REI products contain PFAS, but REI is failing to make meaningful progress to phase

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2022 Maryland Legislative Session Wrap Up

Another year, another legislative session complete for us in Maryland! Maryland’s legislative session runs for just 90 days each year, between January and April, and ended this year on Monday 4/11. It was a busy legislative session full of lots of action on clean water, clean air, and environmental

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Curbside Composting in Key City

On Thursday, April 7, the Frederick City Mayor and Board of Aldermen are considering a pilot program for curbside compost! Under this contract, Key City Compost - which is in process of expanding its compost site just north of Frederick City - would partner with the city to pick up and compost food

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Testimony for SB229, On-Farm Composting

SB229: Environment – On–Farm Composting Facilities – Permit Exemption House Environment and Transportation Committee March 30, 2022

Positon: Favorable

Dear Chairman Barve and Members of the Committee,

Clean Water Action supports SB229 to expand the footprint of on-farm compost facilities, and we

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Justice 40 principles in Maryland

Clean Water Action's joint testimony for Maryland HB1033, a bill that looks to invest state funds toward emergency management, transportation, green infrastructure, energy efficiency, and more towards communities overburdened by pollution who have the least resources.
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