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Baltimore City and basement sewage back-ups

Two years ago, as Baltimore City renegotiated its agreement with the EPA to repair faults and design flaws in its sewage system, residents spoke out and organized because their neighborhoods had a chronic sewage problem: at times the system designed to collect and pipe sewage to treatment plants

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Complete Streets and clean air in Baltimore

If not for the snow, the Baltimore City Council would have held a hearing today on the Complete Streets ordinance, a bill that would help Baltimore ensure that roads are designed with the safety and wellness of all people in mind. Transportation planning that prioritizes public transit, bicycle, and

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Maryland's Legislative Update: Crossover is Coming

An important date is coming up on Monday in Maryland’s legislative session: crossover! At crossover, bills have to pass through one of the chambers and make it over to the other chamber. Bills that have not made it through one chamber by Monday will be effectively done for this year (of course

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Fighting crude oil terminals in Baltimore

On Wednesday, February 21, the Baltimore City Council's Land Use and Transportation Committee will hold a hearing on the Crude Oil Terminal Prohibition: Baltimore's best chance for preventing a deadly crude oil train explosion. Rally with us at noon in front of City Hall! And to learn more, read our

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The fight for a foam-free Baltimore

This week, a bill to ban styrofoam food packages was approved by Baltimore City's Housing and Urban Affairs Committee. Thanks to incredible organizing by the student-led group Baltimore Beyond Plastic, who brought hundreds of elementary, middle, and high school students to rally and testify in

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Protect our Forests and Fix the FCA

The Maryland Forest Conservation Act was designed to protect Maryland's forests; it implemented replanting requirements and minimum forested thresholds, and required more county oversight to protect our forests from over-development. While the law slowed forest clearance in some places, the law is

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