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The Monocacy River deserves a better Monocacy Plan

For the past two years, Frederick and Carroll Counties have been debating the Monocacy Plan: an advisory document meant to guide both counties on improving the health of their shared Monocacy River. But between 2017 and 2018, drastic changes were made to the Plan that gutted its value for protecting

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No More Cash for Burning Trash

Burning trash is not clean energy. When incinerators burn trash, they emit more greenhouse gasses per unit of energy generated than even coal, the dirtiest of fossil fuels. Unfortunately, Maryland currently subsidizes trash incinerators in our state’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) - giving

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Stormwater Practices Need Inspection and Maintenance

In November, Jennifer and I had the opportunity to take a storm water tour with Richard Klein, of Community and Environmental Defense Services. In off and on rain, we looked at the health of two different sections of streams and looked at two different storm water facilities.

We first went to a

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Maryland Election Results

Congratulations to all of the newly elected legislators in local and state office and those who won reelection. Thank you to so many talented, passionate individuals who ran campaigns elevating environmental issues in their districts.

Many of the races where Clean Water Action's Vote Environment

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Ready to Vote on Election Day!

Election Day is just around the corner on Tuesday, November 6th. Now is the time to double check your plan to make sure that you are ready to vote!

Is your voter information up to date? Use this Voter Look Up tool from the State of Maryland to make sure that your voter information is up to date and

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