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Pass the Maryland Essential Workers Act

Clean Water Action, along with a number of other organizations, has joined with Marylanders for Food and Farm Worker Protection in supporting a package of legislation to protect Maryland’s seafood and poultry processing and farm workers from COVID-19. This package includes paid sick leave expansion

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Testimony for Railroad Community & Worker Safety

Railroad Company - Movement of Freight - Required Crew Senate Finance Committee March 23, 2021

Dear Chairwoman Kelley and Members of the Committee,

Clean Water Action thanks Delegate Stein for continuing to champion two man crew legislation and supports its passage. We have a keen interest in

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Working on Waste in Baltimore County

Since November, Baltimore County has been convening a Solid Waste Work Group has been meeting to review how trash is managed in the county and make recommendations for improvements. Their final meeting is this Thursday, March 4, and the County's consultant, GBB (a company selected by the Northeast

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Moving past single-use plastics in Howard County

Tonight, the Howard County Council is holding a hearing on Council Bill 13-2021, to eliminate a range of single-use plastic food products. Here's our testimony on why that's a great idea.

February 15, 2021

Dear Howard County County Council,

On behalf of Clean Water Action’s over 7,000 members

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Support HB0332: Burning Trash is Not Clean Energy!

Today, the House Economic Matters Committee is holding a hearing on HB0332, legislation to reform Maryland's Renewable Portfolio Standard - a program intended when it was created in 2004 to promote new wind and solar development. Since then, polluting energy sources have successfully lobbied to add

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