The Tea on Toxic Beauty: Disproportionate Impacts of Toxic Chemicals in Beauty Products on Women of Color
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Garbage Patch Kids: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch
If you have read the news recently, you have probably seen an article or two about a recent study of the “Great Pacific Garbage Patch”. The articles report estimates of plastic pollution in the trillions, and swaths of plastic waste that are the size of countries.
Those numbers might make it feel
ReThink Disposable: Stop Waste Before It Starts
Here in New Jersey, we love our local restaurants and shops. Let’s take a minute and appreciate them just a little more because they are helping Clean Water Action take on a huge environmental issue: single-use disposables.
Youth Team Takes on the Challenge of Fracking Waste
Since I started my new role as Clean Water Action's ReThink Disposable Coordinator, I’ve been talking with many business owners and people in the community about the very exciting topic of waste, in particular, single-use disposables like plastic straws, cutlery and bags and foam take out
New Year, New Victories
We're only 12 days into the New Year, and we've celebrated some major victories for our health and environment. It's all because Clean Water Action members like you took the time to take action! Whether you called, emailed, or wrote to your legislators, you helped us accomplish the following:
Straw Free December
Did you know there is a floating patch of plastic and other garbage in the Pacific that's twice the size of Texas and 9 feet deep? Marine life and birds are eating this plastic and literally starving to death. As a consumer, it seems almost impossible to avoid plastic, however, there are easy ways