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Testimony in Support of NJ's Environmental Justice Bill

Kim Gaddy, Clean Water Action's Environmental Justice Organizer, testified before the NJ Assembly Environment Committee on Monday July 20, 2020 in support of NJ's Environmental Justice legislation (S232 / A2212). If you live in New Jersey, please contact your legislators to urge them to pass the

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Plastic Free July 2020

We are in one of the worst eras of plastic pollution ever, but we are also in one of the best moments of plastic pollution activism! Join us in celebrating Plastic Free July - a month dedicated to raising awareness and taking action to fight plastic pollution.
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#LetUsBreatheNJ - Call to Action

Clean Water Action joined the Moving Forward Network in holding a World Asthma Day Virtual Town Hall featuring elected officials, health professionals and grassroots leaders working on the front lines to address the root cause in “asthma hotspots” like Newark, Elizabeth, Camden, California as well as state legislators promoting environmental justice legislation.
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Giving Food Waste a Second Life

Amidst this time of hardship and uncertainty, we bring you some good news: Governor Murphy has signed a food waste recycling mandate (A2371/S865) that will help keep food waste out of landfills and implement more sustainable practices.

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