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Wins for Clean Water

The Connecticut legislative session is over and we’re thrilled that several bills that will protect our waters and our health passed this session!

Our top priority bill— to restrict toxic PFAS chemicals in food packaging and firefighting foam passed unanimously. Per and polyfluoroalkyl substances

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Packaged in Pollution - I’m not lovin’ it!

On August 6 th, we co-released a report in conjunction with the Mind the Store campaign titled “ Packaged in Pollution.” The report found that PFAS chemicals are used in food packaging and food service ware to repel grease and liquids so food wrappers for burgers, fries, sandwiches and molded fiber plates and bowls are likely culprits.

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Cleaning Up Our Air By Cleaning Transportation

The best way to protect our health from the harms of pollution is to prevent pollution in the first place.

That’s why Clean Water Action is so excited to advocate for the Transportation Climate Initiative (TCI), which Connecticut joined along with nine other states last year. TCI is a regional

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