Voting Matters - Make Your Voice Heard!
Your vote is your voice! Learn more about upcoming elections, how to register, and how to get non-partisan assistance. Department of State - Voting & Election Information
Last Updated November 2024
2024 Pennsylvania Election Dates
Polls Open 7am to 8pm
Mail-In or Absentee Ballots must be received by 8pm
Voter Registration
Pennsylvania Voter Registration Information
Voter Registration Deadline: Applications must be received 15 days before an election date.
You can register to vote:
- Online
- By print application delivered to or filled out in-person at your county voter registration office. You can also register to vote at PennDOT and many other state government offices.
- By print application, mailed to your county voter registration office. Within 30 days of an election, it is recommended you register online or deliver your registration in-person.
The Voter Registration Application is also available in Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese and Vietnamese.
Check Your Voter Registration Status
Mail Ballots
Mail Ballot Application Deadline: Must be received 7 days before Election Day
Mail Ballots must be received (not postmarked) by 8pm on Election Day
Pennsylvania voters can choose to vote by a Mail-In Ballot (which any qualified voter may apply for without needing a reason) or an Absentee Ballot (which still requires you to list a reason such as a disability or being out of the area on Election Day).
You must apply for a Mail-In or Absentee Ballot online or by mail and your application must be received by 5pm one week before an election date. However, it is recommended you request your absentee ballot 3 weeks before Election Day to receive and return your ballot in time (or to apply for a mail ballot and vote in-person at an Early Voting site in your county).
Voter identification is required for mail-on or absentee ballot applications (with some exceptions for qualified overseas military, disabled, and elderly voters). If you did not submit an ID, you should still receive a ballot but will be sent a notice by your County Board of Elections and must provide identification within 6 days of an election date.
Emergency Absentee Ballots are available for request one week before an election through 8pm on Election Day if you have an unexpected illness, disability, or absence after the one week deadline.
Mail-In and Absentee Voting FAQs
Track Your Mail-In or Absentee Ballot
Cast Your Vote
You can cast your vote in Pennsylvania:
- Mail-In or Absentee Ballot, returned by mail which must arrive by 8pm on Election Day. Your ballot must be sealed in the inner secrecy envelope marked "official election ballot", then enclosed in the pre-addressed outer return envelope which must be signed and affixed with the proper postage.
Within 1 week of an election, it is highly recommended to drop off your mail-in or absentee ballot at your County Board of Elections office, at an officially designated site such as drop box or satellite office if available in your county, or to vote in-person at your polling place to ensure your ballot is counted.
If you requested a mail-in or absentee ballot and vote in person you must bring your ballot and pre-addressed outer return envelope to your polling place to be voided, or vote by provisional ballot with your vote counted after your County Board of Elections verifies you did not vote by mail. - Mail-In or Absentee Ballot, dropped off at your County Board of Elections office by 8pm on Election Day. Some counties may also have official drop boxes or satellite offices. You must return your own ballot unless you have a disability. Your ballot must be sealed in the inner secrecy envelope marked "official election ballot", then enclosed in the pre-addressed outer return envelope which must be signed.
- Early Voting, availability determined by your County Board of Elections. Technically, early voting in Pennsylvania is completing the process for mail-in voting in-person. Early voting centers are typically open 4-6 weeks before an election date once ballots are ready and close by the mail-in ballot request deadline 1 week before Election Day. Check with your County for more information. For early voting, voter identification is required.
- At Your Polling Place on Election Day.
If you requested a mail-in ballot but decide to vote in person on Election Day, you should bring your mail-in ballot to be voided at the polls. You can still vote "provisionally" if you misplace your ballot, never receive it, or forget to bring it with you to the polls on Election Day. Your vote will be counted once it is verified that your mail-in ballot was not returned.
Voter identification at polling places on Election Day is not required for most Pennsylvania voters, unless you are voting at a polling place for the first time. Acceptable forms of identification include both photo and non-photo IDs.
Voting Questions or Problems
Pennsylvania Voting Rights Information -
Know Your Rights -
You have the right to vote! If you have questions, problems, or experience difficulties or harassment registering to vote or casting your ballot, contact the non-partisan Election Protection Hotline for assistance or to report a concern:
- English - 866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)
- Spanish - 888-VE-Y-VOTA (888-839-8682)
- Arabic - 844-YALLA-US (844-925-5287)
- Mandarin, Cantonese, Korean, Vietnamese, Tagalog, Urdu, Hindi, and Bengali - 888-API-VOTE (888-274-8683)
- Text Chat Assistance -