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Publications by Clean Water Action

The Roadmap for Reform

Over the last decade of research and advocacy, Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund has found that activities essential to oil and gas operations cannot be conducted without regulatory and legislative loopholes that put water at risk.

Clean Water Action y Clean Water Fund Informe Anual 2019

A lo largo de 2019, nuestros programas defendieron las protecciones esenciales del medio ambiente y de salud, al tiempo que fortalecieron la base de personas que se preocupan por nuestra agua y quieren verla protegida — ahora y para las futuras generaciones. Continuamos sentando las bases para revertir lo peor de los recortes y reversiones extremos propuestos por los contaminadores y sus aliados en el gobierno. Juntos, podemos restaurar el compromiso histórico de nuestra nación con el agua apta para pescar, nadar y beber.

Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund 2019 Annual Report

Throughout 2019, our programs defended essential environmental and health protections, while strengthening the grassroots base of people who care about our water and want to see it protected — now and for future generations. We continue to lay the groundwork to reverse the worst of the extreme cuts and rollbacks advanced by polluters and their allies in government. Together, we can restore our nation’s historic commitment to fishable, swimmable, drinkable water.

Reuse During Covid Guide

ReThink Disposable & Clean Water Action/Clean Water Fund have released a timely guide for restaurants seeking to keep customers safe while at the same time honoring our commitment to the planet.

Letter to Congress, Re: Support Funding for Lead Service Line Replacement

While most of us know about the lead contamination in the tap water of Flint MI, few people realize that lead-contaminated drinking water is a nationwide problem, affecting every state. Action is long overdue. We urge the House of Representatives to support the Tlaib/Kildee lead service line funding amendment.

Clean Water Action comments on EPA's proposed revisions to the Safe Drinking Water Act's Lead and Copper Rule

Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund respectfully submit these comments regarding the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Primary Drinking Water Regulations: Proposed Lead and Copper Rule Revisions.