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Take Action - Tell Austin City Council and the Mayor No New Fossil Fuel Plants!

C’mon Austin - We Can Do Better! We are a forward-thinking, swiftly-adapting, flexible city known around the world for our cutting-edge solutions for water scarcity, and famous for protecting our natural beauty, recreational resources, and wild habitat.

We CAN KICK THE FOSSIL FUEL HABIT! Please take this quick and easy action to encourage our elected municipal leaders to make their mark on the planet for good. Their action in upcoming decisions for guiding our Austin Energy utility can get us where we have pledged to go:

  • The community wants and needs 100% clean energy as soon as possible—we need a carbon-free goal of 2030 if affordable, and 2035 at the latest.
  • We need to prioritize local solar and battery storage.
  • We need to help folks save energy in their homes and provide financial incentives to cut down their electricity usage.
  • Create pathways for participation in distributed energy management systems, like solar, storage, demand response and EV-charging

Send a message to your City Council Members and the Mayor today.

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