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Welcome to Clean Water on the Move, your monthly update from Clean Water Action and Clean Water Fund! I hope everyone is staying warm and healthy in these long winter months. Thank you for staying engaged and continuing to support our work for a healthier environment. 

Environmental Justice and Climate Victory at PVSC!

For almost a year, climate and environmental justice activists, including Clean Water Action organizers, have fought the construction of a new $180 million gas-fired power plant at the Passaic Valley Sewerage Commission (PVSC) facility in the Ironbound section of Newark. On January 13 just moments before the PVSC had planned a vote to begin construction, Governor Murphy released a statement bringing the vote to a halt, saying “it is imperative that the project adheres to the Administration’s core values on environmental justice” and calling for “a more thorough environmental justice review and robust public engagement process, ensuring that the voices of the community are heard.”

The Governor’s action only puts a pause on the project. If the pause is lifted, it would worsen air quality in a region already overburdened by fossil fuel pollution. It would also undermine Governor Murphy’s professed commitment to phase out fossil fuels, as well as the new statewide environmental justice law. 

"Governor Murphy this morning has demonstrated real environmental justice leadership, thank you! Newark residents have been heard,” said Kim Gaddy, Clean Water Action National Environmental Justice Director. “We have had enough. We cannot afford any new industrial smokestacks. Whatever their other intentions, they unavoidably poison our already too poisoned lungs and add to the climate emergency. There are better options out there for our lungs, our jobs, and our Newark Bay." 

Recycled Content in Packaging is Law in NJ

Clean Water Action celebrates another victory with Governor Murphy’s signing of the Recycled Content bill (S2515/A4676) on January 18. The bill, which will require increasing post-consumer recycled content percentages in a variety of packaging products, passed on the final day of the legislative session after extensive hearings and hours of testimony over the course of the past year. 

"This is an exciting watershed moment for New Jersey and the East Coast," said Maura Toomey, NJ Zero Waste Organizer for Clean Water Action. "Recycling markets are already improving as a result of recycled content policies like this one. New Jersey is now perfectly positioned to serve as the regional and national leader for the next zero waste paradigm shift - one that prioritizes waste prevention, reuse, and redesign."

This new law will help reduce the demand for fossil-fuel derived virgin plastics and give the recycling industry a much-needed boost. Read more here or listen to our conversation about the law on Eco-Logic radio (start at minute marker 3:25).

A Few Minutes to Save the Watershed

On January 18, Clean Water Action and our allies in the Delaware River Frack Ban Coalition co-hosted a Social Media Storm to submit written comments to the Delaware River Basin Commission (DRBC) for a full frack ban in the watershed. 

After permanently banning fracking last year, the result of a decade-long battle to protect the Delaware River Watershed, the DRBC has proposed additional regulations. Unfortunately, the current draft rules still allow the import, processing, storage, and use of fracking wastewater within the watershed, as well as the withdrawal and export of water from the Delaware to be used for fracking elsewhere - a huge loophole that would leave the region and drinking water supply for millions of people vulnerable to toxic pollution. 

We need to be heard loud and clear, no fracking operations or wastewater in the Delaware Basin. 

Celebrating Clean Water Action's 50th Birthday! Share Your Story.

What is YOUR Clean Water Story? Help us tell Clean Water Action’s story by sharing some of yours! 

People. Action. Justice. Clean Water Action’s story is YOUR story, , join with others who together form our clean water movement: staff, alumni, members, donors, allies, volunteers, activists, public officials and more.

We are collecting stories to help celebrate our 50th birthday. Will you share yours? It can be in interview, video or photo formats. We'll share your stories on our website, social media, and might be featured in our 50th birthday video!

Simply fill out this form to participate and share with someone you know. Thank you for helping us celebrate 50 years of protecting clean water.