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Why Go Solar, Why Now? You don’t need to wait until April 22 to get started. Today’s rooftop solar electric technology is making the electricity that supplies homes and businesses cleaner and less costly. Each new system brought onto the electric distribution grid reduces the amount of electricity that needs to come from burning fossil fuels a major source of climate-changing air and water pollution. Lower-than-ever costs for solar panel components, innovations in system design, and an array of favorable state and
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federal incentives now allow many users to save on their electricity bills by going solar. New models for leasing – rather than buying – rooftop solar systems can add to the economic benefits and savings for residential customers. Such arrangements can reduce or eliminate the sizeable up-front investments that used to place solar off-limits for many potential customers. If you’ve been thinking about going solar with a rooftop system on your home and happen to live in one of these states, then you may be in luck:

Arizona                       Maryland

California                    Massachusetts

Colorado                     New Jersey

Delaware                    New York

These are among the states where rooftop solar is currently most attractive. This is thanks to the combination of natural sun conditions in most parts of these states, plus very favorable financial incentives available to solar installers and investors doing business there. Interested in adding rooftop solar to your home? Now is an excellent time to take the first step: You can get a no-cost assessment of your home’s solar potential from our partners at Sungevity, When you decide to move forward this spring with a new system from Sungevity, you receive a $750 system credit, and Clean Water Fund receives a $750 donation when your new system comes on line. By making your decision now, you will be able to enjoy the financial and environmental benefits while the 2013 summer sun is still shining strongest. Think about it: Now, find out for yourself how you can bring this win-win-win-win solution to your own home. Your iQuote from Sungevity costs you nothing and starts with a few clicks of your computer mouse.