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The April 15 tax deadline is one of our least-eagerly-anticipated, most procrastinated-about deadlines. In addition to the costs, the tax filing process can consume tons of paper. Wasted paper usually means more trees being cut, more water impacts from the tree-cutting and from the process of turning trees into paper. Paper mills consume water and can send polluted water downstream when they’re done using it.
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We can’t avoid the tax deadline. But we can avoid unnecessary paper waste. Conserving paper can save trees and protect water quality. As a Clean Water Action supporter you probably already knew that. But did you know this? There’s a way you can avoid paper waste (thus helping our water) and generate new funding for Clean Water Action at the same time. Last year, online tax software that lets you do your returns electronically (saving paper) helped generate more than $600,000 in donations for Clean Water Action and other great causes. You can be a part of this community of tree-saving, water-loving e-filers this year. Here’s one product to get you started. Or, if you’d like to see a larger range of offerings, those are available, too. Moving away from paper may not make the tax deadline any less painful. But it is already making a critical, positive difference for Clean Water Action.   If you want to take one additional step, check out this online shopping app from our friends at The app lets you generate donations for Clean Water Action automatically and at no cost to you, from your online purchases at thousands of participating merchants.