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Clean Water Action's California Director, Miriam Gordon, and her husband with their new rooftop solar system.

Up on the Roof -- Solar Style

Last year, when Clean Water Action partnered with Sungevity to begin offering rooftop solar systems to Clean Water Action members, Clean Water Action's California Director, Miriam Gordon, who lives in Northern California, was among the first to apply. “I’d always assumed solar was not an option for our family, since we live in a foggy neighborhood,” Miriam says. “But as soon as our new system was installed we saw the meter running backwards — visible evidence that the panels were generating electricity and sending energy back to the grid.” Through the end of August (only a few days away!), Sungevity is offering Clean Water Action members who become Sungevity customers a $750 gift card. Also as part of the promotion, Sungevity will donate an additional $750 to Clean Water Fund for each installed system. Clean Water Action members and supporters in most parts of Arizona, California, Colorado, Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey and Massachusetts are eligible to participate.
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Several months into her Sungevity solar lease, Miriam remains an enthusiastic booster. “Our new solar system helps our family reduce global warming pollution. We’re also saving money on our electricity bills,” she reports. “Not having up-front costs to pay helped make this possible, and Sungevity even came to our house to make some efficiency improvements free of charge.” Do you live on one of the above states? Want to see if Going Solar this summer could work for you?  You can start by requesting an iquote for a free solar assessment of your home.