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Clean Water Action's strength and effectiveness come directly from people like you, our members.

One million members strong, and growing, Clean Water Action is the nation's leading grassroots environmental organization.

The financial support provided by individual Clean Water Action members - whether contributed at the door, by phone, online, or by mail - sustains the organization's programs. Clean Water Action receives the majority of its funding in this form.

By design, Clean Water Action relies on its members, rather than on foundation grants, corporate gifts or government funding. This gives Clean Water Action the independence and grassroots power to shape policies in the public interest and to advance our mission and strategy of making democracy work for people and their environment, including healthy communities, ecosystems and local economies.

When Clean Water Action's members speak, public officials and elected representatives listen, because they know that they will be held accountable for their positions and actions. Your donations, petition signatures, letters, calls, e-mails and active involvement as volunteers give Clean Water Action the clout needed to get results.